Kevin Vermeulen



7 Avenue du Colonel Roche

Toulouse, 31400, France

I am Kevin Vermeulen, a full-time CNRS researcher at LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France.

I am interested in building networked measurement systems to better understand and improve the Internet.

In particular the systems and techniques that I develop are related to these different topics:

  • Network topology
  • Network performance
  • Network security
  • Traffic engineering

Before joining the CNRS, I was a postdoc at Columbia University working with professor Ethan Katz-Bassett.

I obtained my doctorate in 2020 under the supervision of professor Timur Friedman at Sorbonne Université.

I am the maintainer of the Reverse Traceroute system. The system currently runs half a million reverse traceroutes per day in coordination with the M-Lab NDT speedtests. The data are publicly available here.


  • Best artifact award for our paper “Replication: Towards a Publicly Available Internet scale IP Geolocation Dataset” (ACM IMC 2023)
  • Best short paper award for our paper “The best of both worlds: high availability CDN routing without compromising control” (ACM IMC 2022)
  • Best paper award for our paper “GeoGiant: Vers une géolocalisation d’adresses IP à l’échelle grâce aux géants d’Internet” (CoRes 2024)


Jul 01, 2024 Our paper “Geofeeds: Revolutionizing IP Geolocation or Illusionary Promises?” has been accepted to ACM CoNEXT 2024!
Jun 19, 2024 My student, Omar Darwich, was awarded a JSPS fellowship to go to Japan for 6 months! Great collaboration incoming.
Apr 05, 2024 Open PhD positions
Apr 01, 2024 Our paper “A First Look At IPv6 Hypergiant Infrastructure” has been accepted to ACM CoNEXT 2024. Congrats to my student Fahad Hilal for his work!

selected publications

  1. Multilevel MDA-lite Paris traceroute
    Kevin Vermeulen, Stephen D Strowes , Olivier Fourmaux , and 1 more author
    In Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC) , 2018
  2. Diamond-Miner: Comprehensive Discovery of the Internet’s Topology Diamonds
    Kevin Vermeulen, Justin P Rohrer , Robert Beverly , and 2 more authors
    In Proceedings of the USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI) , 2020
  3. Internet scale reverse traceroute
    Kevin Vermeulen, Ege Gurmericliler , Italo Cunha , and 2 more authors
    In Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC) , 2022
  4. Replication: Towards a Publicly Available Internet scale IP Geolocation Dataset
    Omar Darwich , Hugo Rimlinger , Milo Dreyfus , and 2 more authors
    In Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC) , 2023